Mission and CSR Principles
Sekiso OtomotivThe SEKISO Group has formulated a Mission, CSR Principles, Business Principles, and Code of Conduct. Our Mission reflects our objective of playing an active role in social development. Our CSR Principles directs our CSR initiatives and reaffirms our commitment to promoting them. Our Business Principles describes how every officer and employee as individuals of the Group should perform ethically on a daily basis. Additionally, our Code of Conduct puts our Business Principles into practice.
MissionWe are committed to contributing to the creation of a brighter future for society through our efforts to develop, produce and deliver energy in a sustainable way.
CSR Principles
The SEKISO Group conducts business efficiently and proactively with a long-term perspective. Guided by the leadership of top management, we are committed to fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities by taking into consideration our stakeholders' interests. Our key principles include: 1.Deliver PRODUCTS in a stable and efficient manner. 2.As a company responsible for products supply, strictly maintain safety in operation and control in all areas of our business activities. 3.Comply with laws, rules and regulations and adhere to ethical business conduct in accordance with the social norms including human rights at our international or operating locations. 4.Communicate timely and openly with shareholders, employees, customers, business partners and other stakeholders while protecting and properly managing information. 5.Value the individuality of employees, secure a safe, healthy and worker-friendly environment, and provide opportunities for career development. 6.Recognize our responsibility to help preserve the environment and proactively contribute to sustainable development. 7.Contribute to the economic development of host countries and communities, by taking cultural diversity into consideration.